Mental Health: Problems With Misdiagnosis - Melanie Spencer

Mental Health: Problems With Misdiagnosis

For years, professionals, researchers, philosophers and many others have examined mental health, searching for answers and solutions to its many disorders.

There are many types of mental illnesses. They include adjustment disorders, bipolar disorders, sexual disorders, dementia, and delirium, as well as many other disorders that affect people every day.

Adjustment disorders are commonly diagnosed. Adjustment disorders involve a person having difficulty with adapting to stress.

Bipolar disorder is also a very common disorder, and I believe many people are wrongly diagnosed with it. Bipolar disorder or manic-depression affects people by giving them symptoms, such as hyperactivity, excessive worrying, and mood swings.

After dealing with an individual with bipolar disorder for more than a year, I can tell you that it’s important to find a solution for them quickly.

Patients with bipolar disorder often suffer from suicidal tendencies, which I have witnessed first hand. In most cases, the patient is compelled to seek attention. Few actually threaten suicide and carry it out.

Most people believe that bipolar disorder is a mental illness, however, the truth is that bipolar disorder is directly linked to chemical imbalances, which means it is more neurological than psychological.

In other words, the brain has not been nourished effectively. And when the nervous system is affected, so is the mind. This is why it is labeled under mental health. The fact is that recent studies have directly linked bipolar disorder to ancestry or genetics.

Studies have shown that most patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder often have a family history of mood swings. The problem, then, is treating the diagnosis effectively without overmedicating or putting the patient on medications that cause psychotic episodes.

I found that the root of the chemical disorders that promote mood swings is often linked to childhood development and trauma that was never dealt with.

If the mind has trauma that is deeply hidden away and it is not brought into the light so the patient can learn, accept, and handle it, the bipolar disorder symptoms will often increase.

Yet, bipolar disorder is not the only mental health issue we are facing today. Sexual disorders are another type of disorder that is very different from bipolar disorder, adjustment disorders, and other types of diagnosis.

Sexual deviation is more often than not linked to pornography, abuse, (not always), and other types of negative behaviors. However, recent studies have proven that serial killer, psychopathic and sociopathic behaviors are hereditary.

Some studies have attempted to prove that the symptoms are a direct link to child abuse; however, I stand to correct them. This may be true in some cases, but not all cases. Sexual disorders are in fact psychological. There has been evidence that link impairments in the brain to these issues.

The mind is a tricky thing, and until humankind is able to understand the mind completely and start accepting some realities, we are going to continue dealing with mental health and mental illnesses with little results.

Dementia and delirium are mental disorders in the sense the disability causes memory loss, confusion, and is very common in the older generation of people. The diagnosis can confuse professionals if the patient is younger.

Diagnoses such as alcoholism and drug disorders often cause mental blackouts, as well as other symptoms. Although they are listed under mental health, I stand to correct them when they call the impairment a disorder.

Alcoholism and drugs are often hereditary and considered a disease. Alcohol and drugs automatically affect the mind to a degree, but it entirely depends on the status of the mind before drugs or alcohol became an issue.

Often alcoholism and drug addictions are directly linked to mental illnesses. This means that there is an issue under the surface, and the patient often uses alcohol or drugs to cover the ailment. There are many questions we should ask mental health experts to understand our diagnoses.

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Known for her holistic approach to better health, Melanie Spencer and her team at PrimeLife combine an integrative, functional medicine approach with the appropriate lab testing.

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