Lab Test Instructions
As a functional medicine practice, we oftentimes see patients that just feel “not quite right” – where there is no one dominant symptom that can point us in the right direction. Examples can range from chronic bloating, unexplained headaches or migraines, chronic fatigue, insomnia, to any number of vague symptoms.
Beyond exploring possible lifestyle factors to identify the root cause of chronic dis-ease or wellness challenges, we frequently use advanced functional medicine lab testing that provide valuable information about health at the cellular level.
The test results help guide our treatment recommendations in major ways – allowing us to craft an approach unique to your situation, genetics, and biochemistry.
The FDA-approved GI-MAP test by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory was designed to detect intestinal microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance or contributing to illness. The test is also an important indicator of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function.
NutrEval Test
NutrEval is the most comprehensive functional and nutritional assessment available. It is designed to help practitioners identify root causes of dysfunction and provide a systems-based approach to help patients overcome chronic conditions and live a healthier life. The report offers over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body’s functional need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.
The DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is a very informative test for anyone considering bioidentical hormone therapy, or suspects they might have a hormone problem. The test is done four times in a day, and the strips are then used to provide a complete hormone panel, including metabolites, effectively replacing multiple testing methods.