Forma V - PrimeLife

Forma V

This is a non-hormonal, intravaginal treatment that is registered as a therapeutic device for the treatment of sexual dysfunction or as an adjunct to Kegel exercises (tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase muscle tone) and cleared for temporary improvements in blood circulation, muscle pain relief and muscle relaxation.

A small wand that is inserted into the vaginal canal that deploys gentle, uniformed heat and energy to cause healing in the vaginal tissue. It improves muscle stimulation and relaxation while strengthening the pelvic floor

1. Is it painful and is there any downtime?

Depending on the intensity of the treatment, there is little to no downtime. Most patients may have a slight discomfort during and immediately after the treatment. Some patients will experience no discomfort at all. You can expect to feel a heating sensation during the treatment and sometimes for several hours after.

2. How many sessions are required?

The provider will determine the best treatment plan for you. The majority of patients have 3 sessions; however, most notice a difference after only 1 treatment! The number of sessions depends on your treatment concerns, your personal goals, and if you plan on using combination treatments.

Treatment Schedule

  1. The number of treatment sessions depends on the individual patient and is typically 2-3 sessions, every 2-4 weeks but can vary according to patient response.
  2. Treatment time internally and externally up to 30 minutes may reduce the number of sessions to 1-2 but depends on skin response and patient tolerance.
  3. Treatment should be concluded when the results are satisfactory to the patient or according to the physician’s discretion.

Post Treatment Recommendations

  1. The Patient should avoid very hot water for 2 days after the treatment.
  2. The Patient should avoid mechanical contact with the treated area for 2 days.
  3. After each treatment session, the patient should be advised to contact the physician if there is any indication of infection, excessive swelling, redness, pain, or any other unusual or untoward symptom.
  4. The Handpiece should be cleaned of the gel and disinfected by 70% alcohol.
  5. The tip should be disposed.

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