Holistic Health and Life Coaching
In the famous words of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” At PrimeLife we teach you the most effective way to use food as medicine even for those with a busy lifestyle.
Holistic health coaching is an ongoing partnership in which people have a unique opportunity to deepen their awareness, improve their performance, overcome their obstacles, and enhance their quality of life. Nearly everyone feels “stuck” at some point in life and it’s totally understandable! We currently have a holistic health coach on staff to help you to take conscious control, step out of the herd, empower yourself, and learn to design your life in more joyful and purposeful ways.
Through our Energy Essentials Program at Prime Life, we work with you to transition from the “where do I start?” phase of creating lasting lifestyle and behavior change, to the “I’ve got this!”. With greater focus and awareness of choice, achievement of life goals is accelerated. Let us help you get on track to a healthier lifestyle without getting overwhelmed with new changes!
The Role of a Holistic Health Coach
Food is one of the greatest things impacting health and if enjoyed correctly, it has the ability to heal and balance. Nutrition is the foundation for optimal health. Holistic nutrition focuses on a natural approach to a healthy diet, spotlighting whole foods (unprocessed, unrefined, organic and locally grown) and understanding that we are multidimensional beings with many moving parts in our lives, working to achieve balance. The nutritional value of food used to fuel the body is absolutely essential for completing the circuit between all aspects of our being – physically, mentally, emotionally, behaviorally, and socially. In today’s fast-paced, high-demand world, we have become a culture focused on convenience (and that includes how we eat). When hunger strikes, we believe that it’s so much easier to open a can, unwrap a package or pop a lid than it is to actually prepare a fresh meal. But according to many health experts, the cost of convenience is not so much the impact on your pocket-book as it is the impact on your overall health. With the epidemic rise of obesity, diabetes, and mental health disorders, the undeniable link to our health and what we eat has taken center stage and people are consciously looking to holistic nutrition as a means to not only fuel their bodies but heal themselves as well.
Benefits of Holistic Health Coaching Include:
- Weight loss & weight management
- Increased energy levels
- Improved mood & mental clarity
- Better sleep
- Improved skin tone & texture
- Improved oral hygiene
- Strengthened immune system
- Balanced blood sugar levels
- Reduced cholesterol & blood pressure levels
- Improved digestion & relief from constipation
- Reduced inflammation & irritation in the body
- Increased ability to heal with food through mindful practices rather than resorting to medical treatment
- Disease prevention (Diabetes, Obesity, Arthritis, Heart disease, Cancer, and more)
Our Health Coach

I am the Health Coach at PrimeLife and I’m excited to help support and educate you on your journey towards health. I have plenty of tools to help you release unhealthy habits, blast through any blocks, and cheer you on as with upgrade your lifestyle practices.
If you are ready to make positive changes to your life, let’s connect! I am looking forward to supporting you so that you can live your best life!
As certified health coach,I have a passion for digging for the why and treating the root cause rather than just symptoms. There are many factors that play a role in optimal health, but food is one I love to focus on because everyone loves to eat and it’s an easy way to immediately upgrade your health. I believe that eating real, whole foods are one of the most powerful tools we have to take control of our health. Food can impact our mood, hormones, energy and sleep just to name a few. What we eat leads us towards health or towards illness.
As the Health Coach at PrimeLife, I am here to educate you, help you reach your goals and cheer you on. I want to help you live your best life! I will work along side your provider to create a plan of care best for you.